Si aucune date annoncée ne vous convient, veuillez contacter le comité par courriel couture@lespacemaker.com afin d’évaluer de nouvelles options.This event is currently offered in English, if you need French please contact couture@lespacemaker.com for accomodation
Theoretical elements:
- Health and safety of the Couture Atelier
- Machine parts
- Safety disposal
- Sewing different textiles
After the training, the participant will be empowered to:
- Use the Industrial Sewing Machine
List of materials provided with registration:
- All equipment is provided for training (fabric + thread)
Level of training : Professional
Training language: English
Prerequisite training(s): Professional in the field or has taken RAC 101
Duration of training : 2h30
Former : Cassy Kelly
Mandatory clothing and safety accessories: Closed toed shoes / DO NOT wear loose clothing, gloves, ties, or scarves / Hair should be either tird up or pulled back