In anticipation of summer, it’s time to spruce up the courtyard to make it a space for chilling and enjoying the sun. Step One: THE BIG CLEANUP.
Friday, April 23 – Cleaning, empty and dispose of the wasted trailer, runs to the ecocenter.
Saturday April 24 – Cleaning and organizing in the yard and the container.
Coming up in the next month: Construction of street furniture and planters. If you have design ideas, furniture to donate or other suggestions: now is the time!
? Masks are mandatory indoors, and recommended outdoors if working in close proximity to other individuals.
? Please respect a distance of 2 meters as much as possible.
? To avoid too much traffic, sign up for a time slot to attend here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1DSEpDjk_Yw6pFXaUcprarrhQ0Zh-NOfHnCeUtSN9ezQ/edit?usp=sharing
? In case of rain – we’ll reschedule the chore for Sunday!