► Follow-up of Positive Cases.
Based on the evolution of current COVID cases and departmental recommendations, it has been decided that the organization will no longer follow up on all positive cases. We therefore invite members who test positive for COVID to contact the people they were in contact with during their period of risk. We are, however, available to assist in tracing attendance and providing contact information.
► Attendance Schedule.
Even without a population limit in the workshops, you are asked to continue to use the attendance schedule to inform at-risk members of how busy the space is.
Link to the Attendance Schedule
► Entry & Exit Log.
It is mandatory for any individual entering the facility to sign in & out on the Entry & Exit Log located on the red cart in the Lobby.
► Mask Wearing
Masks must be worn at all times except in private rental areas and during meals.
► Observe a physical distance of 1m
► Refrain from attending LESPACEMAKER if you experience symptoms of COVID until a negative result is obtained.
Modification of the measures (as of February 21)
- Lifting of limitations on the number of members in the workshops
- Lifting of limitations on the number of members allowed to participate in chores
- Full reopening of the lobby
- Opening of LESPACEMAKER and trainings to non-members
Modification of the measures (from March 14th)
- Organization of indoor and outdoor events (Markets, BBQ, happy hours, Inauguration, etc.) (according to the measures in force)
- Lifting of the limit of participants to the trainings